The Golden Rules of 26.2

When I did my first marathon in 1976, the event was thought to be for experienced club runners aiming to break three hours. Thirty-six years on, well over a million people of all speeds, shapes and sizes have run a marathon, and the event has become much more accessible. It’s a very honest sport: put…

5 running workouts that will be big in 2014

The fitness world loves a good trend; in 2013, we dabbled with barefoot running, flirted with hot yoga and dipped our toes into aqua zumba. We runners tend to be more traditional and stick with tried and tested workouts, but failing to mix up your training can ruin your chance of a personal best. Here…

7 Running Motivation Tools to Unlock Your Potential

How are your New Year’s Resolutions coming along? By now many people will have lost focus, and find it hard to keep going. Motivation can be hard to find when you’ve lost focus, picked up an injury or just because training isn’t going as well as you had hoped. Rediscover your motivation using these tips….